Environment Matters

Sustainably Speaking: new event sparks fresh ideas on business sustainability

Leading energy and utility consultancy Sustainable Energy First has secured a significant investment from Beech Tree Private Equity, to accelerate its net zero offering.

The investment will support Sustainable Energy First’s objective to decarbonise the UK’s business community by 327,000 tonnes CO2e by 2028.

Sustainable Energy First achieves the ‘We invest in people, Gold’ accreditation.

We are really proud to announce we have recently achieved the ‘We invest in people, gold accreditation.

Investors in People is an internationally recognised standard for people management, offering accreditation to organisations that adhere to the Investors in People Standards. A ‘Gold’ accreditation means that a company has the policies in place but more than that, it means everyone – from CEO to apprentice takes ownership for making them come to life.

Sustainable Energy First achieves B Corp Certification

We are incredibly proud to announce that Sustainable Energy First is a certified B Corporation.

As a B Corp, we join a global community of businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental impact. The certification is an acclamation that our business is a force for good and complements our purpose of inspiring and empowering our people to create a positive difference for themselves, our clients and the planet.

Energy Advice Hub Logo with the words - Monthly Round Up

August’s energy roundup: hydrogen strategy to damning climate change news

We’ve unpacked the key points from government’s new hydrogen strategy (it’s an easy read!), and we’ve also got advice on how your business can take action in response to the latest damning evidence on climate change.  Those articles and more are below, and if you need advice on your company’s energy challenges, get in touch.

A hand holding a seedling out

Could ESOS and SECR become more closely aligned?

ESOS and SECR have coexisted for over two years, with separate but closely related aims. Now the government is consulting on wide-ranging changes to ESOS which could not only strengthen the scheme, but bring it into closer alignment with SECR.

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