Industry news

Energy Advice Hub Logo with the words - Monthly Round Up

ESOS, UK ETS, net zero buildings and more

As usual we’ve got the latest carbon compliance advice, including up to date explainers on ESOS phase 3, and a look at the new mandatory energy performance rating system for large buildings.

Coal mining. Aerial view. Excavator loading train cargos

Is this the end of coal?

Insights into the phase out of coal, future energy generation and the proposed Cumbrian coal mine.

A seedling in a light bulb

SECR need to know for 2021

To keep you informed and on the right path to successful SECR compliance in 2021, we’ve gathered up a list of key resources, guides and articles.

A set of London buildings covered in plants

Net zero: the key transition principles for business

The 6th Carbon Budget from the CCC was a wake-up call: the UK is not on course to meet its legally binding target of net zero emissions by 2050. The only hope of getting on track is to accelerate the transition.